Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Originally uploaded by Pete Plass
The other day we went on a long, wet hike to a waterfall and I saw one of these (longer post to follow on this trip).

I didn't take this picture, but since I didn't have my camera I couldn't very well just post, "hey everyone! I saw an olingo!"

Or as Anna, a PCV friend of mine likes to call them - "kmonkeysquirels"


Sea Girt 7th Graders said...

Wow the olingo seems like one cool critter. What other cool wildlife critters have you seen thus far on your journey?

Sea Girt 7th Graders said...

Are the olingo critters some type of monkey? How populated are they in Costa Rica?

Sea Girt 7th Graders said...

Ive been wondering about the olingos. When you are walking down the street do they just pop out of nowhere? If so, tell us about a personal experence of when you had an encounter with one.

Sea Girt 7th Graders said...

What do you do on a day to day basis?

Sea Girt 7th Graders said...

Hey Peteman! The Olingo looks like a friendly monkey. Because of the Hummingbird Feeder is this outside someones house, or do the paeople hang them in the middle of the forest?