Sunday, October 17, 2010

First week summary

Classes are going well. I have Spanish classes three days a week for six hours a day. They’re tough, but I’m really enjoying going full throttle on the language learning. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, all of the PC Trainees meet together to take classes (called tech training) that are either considered “core” or “technical.” Core classes center around the general mission of PC and the KSA’s (Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes) that all PCVs need to know. This includes both information about the global mission but also practical information like how not to get pick-pocketed on the bus and the recent political history of Costa Rica.

The “Technical” classes focus on our respective programs. Melana and I are separated here because were are in different PC programs. She focuses primarily on TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) and I go to class for CED (Community Economic Development). The technical classes are intensive and last for roughly nine hours minus lunch. We don't have a crazy amount of homework, but there is a bunch of reading. Grad school makes this look like a cake walk, though.

This week we will have an additional tech session where everyone will learn the ins and outs of the US State Dept. computer system as well as getting some visa stuff finalized (fingerprinting and what not). For that, we will travel to the capital, San Jose.

Until then though...

here are some pictures from Costa Rica!

Specifically, these are pictures of our training site. Everywhere we go there are mountains - it's a lot to take in!

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